I am a passionate researcher, social scientist, ethnographer and techno-economic energy policy analyst specializing in Indian energy policy. With my research on just transitions I strive to work on emancipating human dignity and alleviating non-human natures. Currently I am a Doctoral candidate at the Department of Anthropology, University at Buffalo (State University of New York).
I hold a BA in Economics (Jadavpur University, India) and a MA in Economics with Specialization in Energy Economics (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India). I also worked as a Research Associate at a non-profit think tank in India for three years, with experience in renewable energy and energy governance policy advocacy issues. My research approach involved using data-centric techno-economic analysis adding to my current expertise in qualitative research techniques. I have knowledge of econometric analysis softwares Excel, SPSS, Stata and R. I also have beginner level knowledge in using GIS softwares ArcGIS Pro and QGIS. I have a keen interest in using the mixed methods approach to engage with issues related to the climate crises and its implications on the current human condition.
Doctoral Research
I focus on the electric rickshaw (commonly called toto), rampantly in use in urban, peri-urban and rural India. Through my ethnographic endeavors I followed lived experiences of those associated with this informal electric vehicle and its components i.e. batteries. For my thesis I use frameworks of just transitions and anthropology of labour.
Ethnographic Fieldwork
Used moral and ethical methods in accordance with IRB principles to build rapport and trust with research subjects.
Interviews (structured, semi structured, unstructured)
Oral histories
Focus group discussions
Participant observation
Fieldwork of twelve months (July 2022 to June 2023)
Eastern Indian rural village, Srikhanda
Kolkata, India
Humanities Institute Advanced PhD Fellow (2024-25), University at Buffalo
Gender Institute Advanced Dissertation Fellowship (2024-25), University at Buffalo (Honorable Mention)
Graduate Students Research Community Grant (2024-25), Office of International Education, University at Buffalo
Mark Diamond Research Fund (2022), University at Buffalo
Keith F. Otterbein Award for doctoral research on War and/or Peace (2022), University at Buffalo
Morris E. and Lucille Opler Open Scholarship (2022), University at Buffalo
College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Scholarship Award (2019-23), University at Buffalo
Climate Change Graduate Fellowship (2019-22), University at Buffalo
Silver Medal Award for First Rank in M.A. Program (2016), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Academic Excellence Scholarship (2014-16), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Presentations/ Workshops/ Collaborations
'The Impact of Power Sector Reforms of 1991 on the Current Status Quo in India' at Climates of Crisis Conference, Binghamton University (8th February 2020)
'Redefining the decentralized electricity system of India' at the Fifth Energy and Society Conference, University of Trento (11th February 2021, Virtual)
'Low carbon futures or futures past?: Examining complexities of energy transitions in rural Eastern India' was accepted for presentation at the Center for South Asian Studies Spring Symposium 2024, University of Hawai’i (10th April 2024) (Abstract accepted)
‘Catalyzing Climate Innovation in the Global South’, EarthOn Foundation, New York Climate Week (27th September 2024)
Presentation (representing Goodwill of Western New York) at ‘Impact Showcase’, Social Impact Fellows Program , University at Buffalo (1st August 2024)
‘Regional Ecologies Workshop’, University at Buffalo (5th-7th April 2024)
‘Monitoring and Management of Groundwater in East India' Workshop organized by SwitchON Foundation, India (10th December 2020, Virtual)
Climate Change and Gender in Global South Workshop (Critical Ecologies Research Collaborative and Gender Institute, University at Buffalo) (to be held on 26th February 2025)
Regional Critical Ecologies Workshop: Bridging Unruly Complexities (Cornell University and Critical Ecologies Research Collaborative, University at Buffalo) (to be held on 11th April 2025)
Manuscripts in Preparation
Das, N., and J. Franquesa “The Invisible Electric Mobility: Examining the Informalized Electric Rickshaw in Eastern India”
Das, N., and J. Franquesa. “Waiting for Godot: Complexities of energy transitions in a post- coal phase out economy in rural India.”
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Das, N. (2022). ‘Renewable Energy Management: An Analysis of the Status Quo’. In: Jadhav, P., Choudhury, R.N., (eds). Infrastructure Planning and Management in India (pp. 99-127). Springer, Singapore.
Peer Reviewed Reports
Das, N. and Gambhir, A. (2020). ‘Rising Stakes: An analysis of regulatory treatment of renewable electricity in Maharashtra from 2010-2020’. Prayas (Energy Group). Report. Pune, India.
Das, N., Dabadge, A., Chirayil, M., Mandal, M. and Josey, A. (2019). ‘Elephant in the Room: Implications of subsidy practices on DISCOM finances’. Prayas (Energy Group). Report. Pune, India.
Vembadi, S., Das, N. and Gambhir, A. (2019).‘175 GW Renewables by 2022- A September 2018 Update’. Prayas (Energy Group). Report. Pune, India.
Das, N. and Sarode, S. (2019). ‘Discoms: Fundamental reforms required’. In: Bhati, P., Sreenivasan, P., Singh, M., Koshy, S.M., Jhawar, P. and Sambyal, S. State of Renewable Energy in India 2019: A Citizens Report (pp. 113-130). Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
Sarode, J., Gambhir, A., Das, N. and Dixit, S. (2017). ‘Choosing Green: Status and challenges of Renewable Energy based Open Access’. Prayas (Energy Group). Report. Pune.
Das, N., Gambhir, A., Sarode, J. and Dixit, S. (2017). ‘India’s Journey Towards 175GW Version 2.0, Renewables in 2022’. Prayas (Energy Group). Report. Pune.